Stacy Reyna became a Lawtonion in 2004. She was born in Harlingen, Texas and raised in Houston. She has a 16-year-old son who is active in the Geronimo FFA.
After serving in multiple support roles in administration, Stacy took her professional career to the next level at the Lawton Fort Sill Chamber of Commerce where she excelled at managing multiple projects and multi-tasking several responsibilities daily. She successfully managed the American Rescue Plan Act committee which submitted over 300 million in grants and was successful in securing over 80 million in funding for Southwest Oklahoma. She has also served with Lawton Youth Sports Authority, LYSA, and assisted in the formation of the origination from the ground up. She also assisted in managing 2022 Holiday in the Park, which led to a record-breaking year, both in fundraising and tourism activities.
Stacy also served the Museum of the Great Plains where she oversaw 13 employees and worked on projects to help further advance Lawton Fort Sill.
Stacy spends her free time with family and friends, she enjoys hiking or kayaking in the Wichita Mountains Wildlife refuge and visiting antique stores or estate sales around Lawton.